There are some introductory courses for this type of work that can be taken in high school, but the bulk of these courses are found in trade schools or at community colleges. Now there are even schools and certification courses that can be taken online and many individuals are discovering that this is allowing them the best way of becoming qualified for this work.
People who enjoy tinkering with wiring and mechanical parts will likely find this their ideal job. Most of the courses that can prepare someone to enter this in-demand career require only a high school diploma and a willingness to learn. Having good vision is essential because you will need to be able to learn how to properly identify different wires and learn how to read blueprints.
HVAC jobs are needed by many private firms as well as large industries, and there is going to be an increase seen in the demand for people with these skills for at least the next ten to twenty years. While people with these skills are certainly able to become self-employed individuals and begin their own businesses, most are choosing to work with established companies, especially when they are just starting out in this field. Working with other technicians who already have a great deal of experience is one of the best ways to refine your own skills and to gain new ones.
All factories need these workers because they depend on adequate temperature controls for their employees’ work environments, and many times successful manufacturing processes will require certain temperature settings. Hospitals are one of the prime settings for HVAC workers, and this is a good place for any new tech to consider beginning their employment search. These institutions keep HVAC workers available on all shifts and pay them very well. Many hospitals are also updating their facilities or are adding new buildings and the HVAC techs will be needed to make sure that all of the new ducts and wiring are placed correctly.
Having a comfortable home is important as well, and there is always a demand for the services of skilled HVAC workers, especially during seasons of extreme temperature in summer and winter. These techs are able to make a visit to a home, identify and diagnose the problem, and then let the owner know what is needed to get their system operating correctly. Some of the workers who are employed full-time by some of the larger companies will also begin to offer their services on a freelance basis to make extra money. Most full-time workers will find that they have more than enough assignments to keep them busy on a weekly basis, however.
One of the benefits to being an HVAC professional is that there is always a very good chance for overtime pay, holiday pay, and other bonuses. Heating and air conditioning systems frequently need upgrading, maintenance, and repairs, and because of the prevalence of these systems in homes and businesses today, service work is always being requested. The construction of new buildings in any area will also provide job opportunities for both new and experienced HVAC technicians.
The heating and air conditioning technicians receive training in many different areas and can even choose to specialize in fields that involve specific refrigeration or heating technologies. There is even a quickly growing specialty area of HVAC training that is now focusing on solar-panel, or hydronics, technology which is made up of water-based heating systems that use solar energy as the heating source.
Training for this type of work can last from six months to two years depending on whether a student is full- or part-time. The length of training will also depend on the courses selected. During this time the basics of installation and repair will be covered as well as a bit of instruction on the design and components that are involved in these systems. Most of the people who graduate from these more basic programs will begin work as an apprentice and practice under the tutelage and guidance of more experienced workers for two to five years.
There are always ways to find HVAC jobs hiring workers and offering excellent pay and benefits, but the work is not always clean, easy, or neat, and it requires people who can adjust and think on their feet. Many of the systems that need maintenance or repair are located in out-of-the way, hard-to-access places. Workers are required to crawl into low spaces in attics or basements, and may even have to work in dusty crawl spaces located between a building and the ground.
Construction companies, industries, heating and air conditioning companies, hospitals, and government agencies are all in desperate need of qualified HVAC workers and one of the best resources to use to find these job openings is the Internet. Using online job boards like HVACCrossing will give interested job seekers a quick way to conduct an HVAC job search to see which companies are hiring now. One of the great benefits to using an online posting board is that it will have many jobs listed before they are more widely advertised. Instead of having to travel across town or across the state to apply, those hunting these HVAC jobs can apply online and be among the very first to be considered for employment.